Fatherhood Research and Practice Network Grant

CARHD is proud to announce the receipt of a competitive state planning minigrant under CARHD faculty PI Dr. Kari Adamsons, in partnership with CT Dept. of Social Services. The purpose of the minigrant is to conduct focus groups with fathers across the state of Connecticut who receive services from state agencies, to assess areas of strength and areas of need and to inform the state Fatherhood Commission’s strategic plan. Funding is provided by the  Fatherhood Research and Practice Network (FRPN). FRPN is a six-year project (2013-2019) awarded to the Temple University School of Social Work and the Center for Policy Research, by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation (#90PR0006). Its purpose is to build the evidence base in the fatherhood field, disseminate research findings on fatherhood programs and promote the use of research-based practices by fatherhood programs. Congratulations Dr. Adamsons!